Visualization of women in leadership ministry positions is so important in creating environments in which all can hear and answer the call to ministry. Children- both boys and girls- observe and intuit what is acceptable in the church community. If no women are visible in proclamation and leadership ministries, their heart and mind’s doors are closed to the possibility of call. A principle is formed and internalized that says: Women are not to speak the Word or lead the congregation. The female roles visualized in community are recorded as acceptable and appropriate. This message is pressed deeper and deeper into the soul as time advances, immobilizing young women to ministry possibilities. It causes them to quench the voice of the Holy Spirit wooing them in these directions.
For a community to be truly healthy, all members of the congregation need to hear, see, and experience the full ministry gifts demonstrated by women. In addition to direct leadership ministry by women, art and historic photos should be hung on the wall showing this possibility. Videos should be viewed by the congregation that feature great women teachers, pastors, denominational leaders, evangelists, prophets and visionaries from biblical accounts, history, and the present. No doors should be closed or bolted to exclude the movement and gifting of the Holy Spirit in any individual.
The prophet Joel declared an across-the-board movement of the Spirit that gives life and health to the Body of Christ. He announced the New Covenant signs: Men and women shall prophesy. Old and young, male and female, rich and poor, prominent and lowly will be alive and moving in the anointing of the Spirit. That is the declaration for our day. Christians are not to restrict this flow and movement of the Spirit but rather encourage, groom, confirm, and facilitate it. The Church is to look for, anticipate, and eagerly receive this evidence of Last Day Covenant fidelity. The Church is to be alive and ever increasing from the beginnings at the Day of Pentecost until the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord – Christ’s Return as King of King and Lord of Lords. (Joel 2:21-32; Gal. 3:28-29, John 14:11-14).
The Confirmation (24 x 30 inch original acrylic on gallery wrap, Kathy Meisner 2020) is available framed for $1,150. Archival quality prints and canvas reproductions are also available in limited quantities. Kathy Meisner (M Div, M Ed) is a writer and artist living in the Nashville, Tennessee area where she has a studio and small gallery (Gallery 415) that is open by
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