This organization exists to promote egalitarian Christian communities that nurture and utilize leadership ministries of women.
To this end, the site will:
- Present accounts of Christian women and female ministers’ experience of church environments in order to foster insight, heart-felt repentance, and intentional reform
- Educate by offering articles and recommending resources reflecting a comprehensive and balanced biblical theology of women called to leadership ministries
- Provide information on creating church environments that promote gender equality and assist females in hearing, answering, and fulfilling God’s call to ministry
Core Values:
- The calling and gifting of women and men is the work of the Holy Spirit and is the prerogative of God.
- While the Bible reflects the patriarchal cultures of the time it was written, it neither teaches patriarchy nor presents it as the ideal.
- Patriarchy greatly diminishes both the witness of the Church and the effectiveness of its mission by marginalizing women and under utilizing their God-given gifts and abilities.
- The work of the cross makes us one in Christ calling us to transcend man-made boundaries of gender, race, age, and culture.
- The environment of the Church should protect, nurture, and facilitate the Christian life and ministries of males and females alike without prejudice or preference.
- Scripture is inspired by God and is our authoritative guide for faith, life, and Christian practice.